Silverbucket's instructions and documentation has moved to a new address:

Reservations API - Version 1.0
Add new reservations:

  • Parameters
    • user_id = Person's ID in Silverbucket
    • user_username = Person's username in Silverbucket
    • user_email = Person's email address in Silverbucket
    • role_name = Person's role in the project or the role which should be allocated, if the person is not specified
    • project_id = Project's ID in Silverbucket
    • project_code = Project's code in Silverbucket
    • startdate = Reservation's start date in ISO format YYYY-MM-DD
    • enddate = Reservation's end date in ISO format YYYY-MM-DD
    • hours = Total amount of hours which will be allocated to the given time span
    • percentage = Daily allocation as a percentage from the user/role daily capacity
    • overwrite_all = Overwrite all person's allocations in other projects

        "overwrite_all": "true", 
        "user_username": "matti.meikalainen", 
        "project_code": "FOO", 
        "startdate": "2017-01-01", 
        "enddate": "2017-12-01", 
        "percentage": 100
        "overwrite_all": "true", 
        "user_email": "", 
        "project_code": "BAR", 
        "startdate": "2017-01-01", 
        "enddate": "2017-12-01", 
        "percentage": 100
        "overwrite_all": "false", 
        "role_name": "FOO",
        "project_code": "BAR", 
        "startdate": "2017-01-01", 
        "enddate": "2017-01-31", 
        "hours": 160
        "overwrite_all": "true", 
        "user_id": 1, 
        "project_id": 1, 
        "startdate": "2017-01-01", 
        "enddate": "2017-12-01", 
        "percentage": 100

curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H 'Authorization: Token <AUTH_TOKEN>' -X POST https://<SUBDOMAIN>  -d 'JSONDATA'

Query reservations:

  • Parameters example:
    • assigned=true / false
    • mode=hours / relative / days / fte
    • project_ids=
    • ids = This is either project id or person's id or project role's id
    • reservation_mode=fixed
    • scale_with_probability=true / false
    • show-only-with-data=true / false
    • show-passive-roles=true / false
    • slots=56 / amount of resourcing slots
    • startdate=2018-11-26
    • unassigned=true / false
    • view=weeks / days / months

Project's allocations:


curl -H "Authorization: Token <AUTH_TOKEN>" "https://<SUBDOMAIN><PROJECT_ID>&reservation_mode=fixed&scale_with_probability=false&show-only-with-data=false&show-passive-roles=true&slots=10&startdate=2018-11-26&unassigned=true&view=weeks"

    "100": [
            "date": "2018-11-26",
            "hours": 0.0,
            "relative": 0.0,
            "days": 0.0,
            "fte": 0.0,
            "load_level": "load-0-0",
            "hard_absence_level": null,
            "soft_absence_level": null
            "date": "2018-12-03",
            "hours": 0.0,
            "relative": 0.0,
            "days": 0.0,
            "fte": 0.0,
            "load_level": "load-0-0",
            "hard_absence_level": null,
            "soft_absence_level": null

Project's roles:


curl -H "Authorization: Token <AUTH_TOKEN>" "https://<SUBDOMAIN><span class="fr-marker" data-id="0" data-type="false" style="display: none; line-height: 0;"></span><span class="fr-marker" data-id="0" data-type="true" style="display: none; line-height: 0;"></span>pi/1.0/allocations/projects/projectroles/by-ids/?ids=<PROJECT_ID>&mode=hours&show-only-with-data=false&show-passive-roles=true&slots=10&startdate=2018-11-26&view=weeks

        "type": "project",
        "id": 1,
        "code": "Project code",
        "extra_code": "",
        "name": "Project name",
        "probability": 60,
        "program": null,
        "people": [
                "project_id": 1,
                "user_id": 100,
                "projectrole_id": 110,
                "name": "Project name",
                "code": "Project code",
                "username": "test",
                "full_name": "Matti Meikäläinen",
                "rolename": "Engineer",
                "note": null,
                "dayload": "7.50",
                "hourly_rate": "0.00",
                "hour_budget": null,
                "external_id": null,
                "active": false,
                "program": null,
                "is_favourite": false,
                "is_projectlead": false,
                "is_role": false,
                "active_resource": false
        "unknown": [],
        "totalPeople": 1,
        "totalUnknown": 0

Person's allocations:


curl -H "Authorization: Token <AUTH_TOKEN>" "https://<SUBDOMAIN><USER_ID>&mode=hours&show-only-with-data=false&show-passive-roles=true&slots=10&startdate=2018-11-26&view=weeks"

    "startdate": "2018-11-26",
    "enddate": "2018-12-02",
    "type": "users",
    "results": [
            "id": 1,
            "username": "test",
            "full_name": "Meikäläinen Matti",
            "default_role": "Engineer",
            "external_id": null,
            "is_favourite": false,
            "active_resource": false,
            "allocations": [
                    "date": "2018-11-26",
                    "hours": 0,
                    "relative": 0,
                    "days": 0,
                    "fte": 0,
                    "load_level": "load-0-0",
                    "hard_absence_level": "level-absence-high",
                    "soft_absence_level": null
    "total": 1

Person's project roles:


curl -H "Authorization: Token <AUTH_TOKEN>" "https://<SUBDOMAIN><USER_ID>&mode=hours&show-only-with-data=false&show-passive-roles=true&slots=10&startdate=2018-11-26&view=weeks"

        "type": "person",
        "id": 1,
        "username": "test",
        "full_name": "Meikäläinen Matti",
        "default_role": Engineer",
        "external_id": null,
        "projectroles": [
                "project_id": 308,
                "project_probability": 100,
                "user_id": 1,
                "projectrole_id": 2683,
                "name": "Example",
                "code": "code example",
                "username": "test",
                "full_name": "Meikäläinen Matti",
                "rolename": "Engineer",
                "note": null,
                "dayload": "7.50",
                "hourly_rate": "0.00",
                "hour_budget": null,
                "external_id": null,
                "active": false,
                "program": null,
                "is_favourite": false,
                "is_projectlead": true,
                "is_role": false,
                "active_resource": false
        "total": 1

Project role's allocations:


curl -H "Authorization: Token <AUTH_TOKEN>" "https://<SUBDOMAIN><PROJECT_ROLE_ID>&mode=hours&show-only-with-data=false&show-passive-roles=true&slots=10&startdate=2018-11-26&view=weeks"

        "project_id": 94,
        "user_id": null,
        "projectrole_id": 1002,
        "active_resource": true,
        "allocations": [
                "date": "2019-01-28",
                "hours": 35.76,
                "relative": 95.0,
                "days": 4.768,
                "fte": 0.9536,
                "load_level": "load-81-101",
                "hard_absence_level": "",
                "soft_absence_level": null