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Pricing work hours has two point of views: pricing allocations and pricing actual hours. At the system level there is one global price which will be used for both allocations and actuals, if no other prices are set. By default this Global hourly price is set to zero and prices for allocations and actuals are zero.

Pricing the allocations

There is in total four different ways to add price to allocated hours. Below is an explanation of different types of prices starting from the strongest one.

  1. For every project role it is possible to set the Hourly rate from the Edit project role dialog. If this is set, it is the default hourly rate for the allocations done to for this role.
  2. Next strongest hourly price is the Price model. In price model it is possible to give two different hourly prices for allocations: People prices and Other prices. If personal price for allocations is set in price model then it is used. If no personal price is found from the Price model then the Other prices Default hourly rate is used. NOTE: Price model hourly prices are not used by default for the allocations. To use Price model hourly prices for the allocations the Copy people prices to their project forecast prices check box need to be selected before saving the Price model.
  3. It is possible to give personal global Forecast price for person. This can be given from the Person's dashboard or from the Admin view under Manage user accounts. Personal global Forecast price will be used if the project does not have specific prices for the person.
  4. Last price to use for the allocations is the Global hourly price. If there is no prices calculated for the allocations Silverbucket support should be contacted with a request to add the Global hourly price.

Pricing the actuals

All actual hours in Silverbucket have the information connected to them that what is the hour price for these hours. Pricing the actuls has two basic cases depending on how the actuals are filled to the Silverbucket. Actuals can be filled in from the Silverbucket Timesheet or imported from some other system through an integration.

Pricing the actuals filled in through the Timesheet

Silverbucket has a Timesheet functionality which can be used to fill in realized hours. In this case the pricing of actuals follows the pattern described below.

  1. Project can have a price model. This is the main source for pricing the actual hours. There is three different types of prices in Price model.
    • People prices: Personal prices given through the People prices are the default prices for actual hours
    • Task prices: If no Personal price is given in the Price model then the Task price is used when person fills in actual hours
    • Default hourly rate: Default hourly rate is used if no other price for the filled in actuals is found from the Price model
  2. If the project does not have a price model then the Global hourly price is used when calculating realized turnover. If there is no prices calculated for the actuals Silverbucket support should be contacted with a request to add the Global hourly price.

Pricing the actuals imported through an integration

If the actual hours are imported through an integration then the Price models for the projects should not be used. Imported actuals should have the information with them that what is the hourly price for the realized hours.