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It is possible to monitor the project's progress from three points: hours, expenses and income. By setting budgets, you can monitor how the project is doing after making the resource plan and adding other important information. Check Project numbers table article for budget management in Silverbucket


The Hour budget comes automatically from the project numbers table.

The Realized hours come also directly from the realizations (hour) of the project number table.

The Future hours is provided by the system which calculates automatically the upcoming resource allocations.


The expense budget comes automatically from the project numbers table.

The Realized expenses is past realized hours multiplied by persons' cost price +  fixed expenses(amount * unit price).

The Future expenses is the future allocated hours multiplied by persons' and roles' cost prices. 

The Total expense forecast is the sum of Realized expenses and Future expenses.


The income budget comes automatically from the total income row in the project numbers table, but if that row is empty then income budget is the sum of income budgets in the project's basic info section.

The Realized income comes from the Invoiced row of the project number tables.  i.e. Sum of invoiced realizations and payment positions. Invoiced realizations are

calculated by multiplying individual's realized hours with the set hourly rate. Hourly rates for realizations can be altered by modifying project's price model.

The Future income comes from the Uninvoiced and Payment positions of project numbers table. Depending on the project's invoicing type there is two variations for the formula.

In situation where project's invoicing type is set as fixed, future income is direct sum of payment positions(amount * unit price).

In situation where invoicing type is set as price ceiling or time and material, future income is sum of future allocations(hours * projectrole hourly rate) + uninvoiced past realizations(hours * hourly rate from price model) 

and uninvoiced payment positions(amount * unit price).